Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Matthew 21:22

I just had to add my testimony of the power of prayer in here. As you all know Olivia was diagnosed with OI and when she was born her leg bones where bowed. We have prayed continuously since the day she was born for God to heal her and take care of her. I believe he is doing just that. We got copies of her xrays from her Ortho doctor. The xray taken in March 2007 you can clearly see the bowing of all four of her leg bones. The xray taken in January 2008, not even a full year later, both of her tibias (lower leg) and her left femur (upper leg)are straight. There is still a little curving in the right femur but we will continue to pray and beleive that God is the ultimate healer. He alone straightened her bones. She has not been on any treatments, taken any medications or supplements or had any straightening rods put in. She has strong leg muscles and good strong bones! We thank and Praise God for his healing power!!!!

1 comment:

Tamatha said...

Way to make me cry Jerree. God is good and Olivia is a miracle... and such a beautiful one. Kiss her for me